How to travel with bus from Vienna to Bratislava?

Wien BratislavaHello! I will travel to Bratislava in April this year and I wonder what is the best way of traveling from Vienna and from Vienna International Airport to Bratislava. I have read that bus is a good solution, but what bus company should I use? When are the buses leaving, and where do I arrive in Bratislava?

Hello! Thank you for the question. The best solution might be using the services of Eurolines. You can see their time schedule and the different stops in the following table: . If you like this and it looks good, then visit the Eurolines website, , choose English as your language and book your tickets there. The price for a transfer from Vienna International Airport to Bratislava should be around 8 Euro.

The name of the main bus station in Bratislava is Bratislava (AS).

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